Counting Sheep

Counting Sheep Cover Page.jpg
Counting Sheep Cover Page.jpg

Counting Sheep


This book does not have a storyline. The images vividly describe the oddities of sheep, symbolizing the oddities in people, the bullying, and how tolerance and acceptance lead to peaceful harmony.

Counting sheep was used to fall asleep, while black sheep were less desirable in the early days for their wool was hard to dye. That gave origin to the phrase of the black sheep, referring to the least valued member of the family.

As the pages advance, we see the story told in the pictures unfold. The more we look, the more we find. The pages teach counting from 1 to 10, but they also teach about tolerance and accepting others while others accept us.

In the end, with those teachings, peace and harmony prevail and we can have a good night rest!


COUNINT SHEEP is a book without a storyline. The images tell the story, a profound story about bullying, accepting each other and loving each other.

Based on the popular “Counting Sheep to fall asleep” the Don Yoni Character counts sheep in his dream about a better world. See what happens at the end of the book…

In the book, there is one black sheep. In the early days, the wool of a black sheep was harder to dye, therefore it was less desirable. This originated the description of the Black Sheep of the family as the rejected member.

Enjoy the book with your children, or with adults as the topic is much deeper than a children’s book and the message is equally profound.