The Victory Center

Mixed Media

A 306 square foot site-specific installation at an educational institution for autism and related disabilities to raise awareness for learning disabilities through art and to create an environment that helps students and their families reach their highest potential. 




"Don Yoni is able to capture the whimsical nature of space exploration at its core—a welcoming and inclusive space for students to celebrate a genuine spirit of inquiry we all share when, as kids, we look up at the stars for the first time. We are all astronomers at that moment in time, and all we can hope is that our wonder and enthusiasm for science remain intact as time passes."

Jorge Perez-Gallego, PhD, MFA
Former Resident Astronomer, Curator & Exhibition Developer at Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science

Raising Awareness for Learning Disabilities

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The Victory Center, a 501(c)3 organization, is a specialized education institution for autism and related disabilities based in North Miami Beach, FL. It was founded in 2000 by Barry and Judi Nelson in response to the lack of appropriate educational opportunities.